2007 - 2009 Chrysler Aspen 4.7L Rear Suspension Torques

2009 Chrysler Aspen Rear End Torque Specs

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Rear Differential / Axle Torque Specs
Rear End Ring Gear with E-locker Torque Spec 115 ft-lbs
Rear Carrier Bearing Cap Torque Spec 100 ft-lbs
Rear Axle Backing Plate Torque Spec 30 ft-lbs

Rear Shock Torque Specs
Rear Shock Upper Bolt Torque Spec 75 ft-lbs
Rear Shock Lower Bolt Torque Spec 75 ft-lbs

Chrysler Aspen 4.7L Repair Information

Chrysler Aspen 4.7L Rear End Repair Information

Here you can find information regarding repairs to the Chrysler Aspen rear end system. These repairs include the rear control arms installation, the rear swaybar information and bolt torque specs, the rear diff fluid change procedures, and the rear end watts system installation. All of these repairs and procedures include in depth details on how to perform the replacement and or repair. They also contain all the detailed torque specs needed for each bolt involved in the repair.

Rear Differential Torque Specs

On the Chrysler Aspen the rear end ring gear bolts get tightened down to 115 ft-lbs. The rear carrier bearing caps can be tightened down to 100 ft-lbs. The rear differential backing plate to the differential get tightened down to 30 ft-lbs. Be sure to use some silicon sealant around the cover to ensure that the rear end fluid does not leak out.

Chrysler Aspen Rear End Ring Gear Torque Specs : 115 ft-lbs

Chrysler Aspen Rear Carrier Bearing Caps Torque Specs : 100 ft-lbs

Chrysler Aspen Rear Diff Backing Plate Torque Specs : 30 ft-lbs


Rear Shocks Installation

To replace the rear shocks on a Chrysler Aspen you will need to remove two sets of bolts/nuts located at the bottom and top of the shock. Both of these fasteners can be accessed from underneath the vehicle by jacking it up and removing the wheel. To uninstall the old shock simply just remove both of the fasteners and the part will come out. When installing the new part reverse the procedure and tighten up both bolts to 75 ft-lbs.

Chrysler Aspen Rear Shock Upper Bolt Torque Specs : 75 ft-lbs

Chrysler Aspen Rear Shock Lower Bolt Torque Specs : 75 ft-lbs