2020 - 2022 Chrysler Voyager 3.6L Brake Torque Specs

2020 Chrysler Voyager Brake Torque Specs

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Front Brakes Torque Spec
Front Caliper Slide Bolt Torque Spec 20 ft-lbs
Front Caliper Bracket Torque Spec 77 ft-lbs
Front Caliper Banjo Bolt Torque 18 ft-lbs
Rear Brakes Torque Spec
Rear Caliper Slide Bolt Torque Spec 20 ft-lbs
Rear Caliper Bracket Torque Spec 55 ft-lbs
Rear Caliper Banjo Bolt Torque 25 ft-lbs

Chrysler Voyager 3.6L Repair Information

Chrysler Voyager 3.6L Brake Repair Information

Here you can find information regarding the assembly of the voyager's braking system. This information will include the procedures to replace and repair certain main components within the system as well as the corresponding torque specs for bolts involved in the parts. The listing of procedures will begin with the most common and move inwards towards the inner parts of the brake system and the least common repairs that are needed.

How to Change the Front brakes

The front brakes on the Chrysler Voyager are disc brakes just like the front brakes. Disc brakes uses a series of brake pads that push onto a brake rotor in order to create friction and stop the vehicle. To change the front brakes on the Voyager you must first remove the front wheel and then remove the caliper slide bolts from the caliper. This will allow for the front caliper to be removed from the brake rotor. Once removed you have access to the front brake pads. You can simply remove the pads and place new pads in their place. Be sure to align the new pads into the metal holders. From here you can reinstall the front brake caliper while making sure the pads stay in place. The front brake caliper slide bolts get torqued down to 20 ft-lbs. If you replace the brake rotor at the same time you will need to reinstall the front caliper bracket and torque it down to 77 ft-lbs. Since this is a rather higher torque spec I always add some loctite to ensure it stays tightened. If you remove the front caliper banjo bolt be sure to torque it back up to 20 ft-lbs once done.

Chrysler Voyager Front Caliper Slide Bolts Torque Specs : 20 ft-lbs

Chrysler Voyager Front Caliper Bracket Torque Specs : 77 ft-lbs

Chrysler Voyager Front Caliper Banjo Bolt Torque Specs : 18 ft-lbs


How to Change the Rear Brakes

The front brakes on the Chrysler Voyager are disc brakes just like the rear brakes. Disc brakes uses a series of brake pads that push onto a brake rotor in order to create friction and stop the vehicle. To change the rear brakes on the Voyager you must first remove the rear wheel and then remove the caliper slide bolts from the caliper. This will allow for the rear caliper to be removed from the brake rotor. Once removed you have access to the rear brake pads. You can simply remove the pads and place new pads in their place. Be sure to align the new pads into the metal holders. From here you can reinstall the rear brake caliper while making sure the pads stay in place. The rear brake caliper slide bolts get torqued down to 20 ft-lbs. If you replace the brake rotor at the same time you will need to reinstall the rear caliper bracket and torque it down to 55 ft-lbs. Since this is a rather higher torque spec I always add some loctite to ensure it stays tightened. If you remove the rear caliper banjo bolt be sure to torque it back up to 20 ft-lbs once done.

Chrysler Voyager Rear Caliper Slide Bolts Torque Specs : 20 ft-lbs

Chrysler Voyager Rear Caliper Bracket Torque Specs : 55 ft-lbs

Chrysler Voyager Rear Caliper Banjo Bolt Torque Specs : 25 ft-lbs