2007 - 2015 Lincoln mkx 3.5L Torque Specs

2007 Lincoln mkx Rear End Torque Specs

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Rear Hub and Diff Torque Specs
Rear Wheel Axle Nut Torque Spec 258 ft-lbs
Rear Wheel Speed Sensor Torque Spec 8 ft-lbs
Rear Differential Cover Torque Spec 20 ft-lbs
Rear Differential Fill Plug Torque Spec 10 ft-lbs

Rear Shock and Stabilizer Torque Specs
Rear Shock Upper Nut Torque Specs 18 ft-lbs
Rear Shock Lower Bolt Torque Spec 166 ft-lbs

Lincoln MKX 3.5L Repair Information

Lincoln MKX 3.5L Rear End Repair Information

Here you can find information regarding repairs to the Lincoln MKX rear end system. These repairs include the rear leaf spring, the rear differential system torque specs, the rear diff fluid change procedures, and the axle driveshaft bearing removal and installation. All of these repairs and procedures include in depth details on how to perform the replacement and or repair. They also contain all the detailed torque specs needed for each bolt involved in the repair.

Rear Wheel Hub Installation

The rear wheel bearing is much the same as the front and can be removed by taking out the rear bolts holding it in. To access these bolts you will need to jack up the vehicle and remove the tire and center axle nut. From here we can take off the brake assembly including the rotor and access the 4 bolts holding the hub in place. With the bolts removed we can pound out the old hub and then press in the new hub onto the axle. With the new hub in we can torque the 4 bolts to 85 ft-lbs and then move to reinstalling the brake assembly and tire.


Lincoln MKX Rear Axle Nut Torque Spec : 258 ft-lbs

Lincoln MKX Wheel Speed Sensor Torque Spec : 8 ft-lbs

Lincoln MKX Rear Wheel Hub Bolts Torque Spec : 85 ft-lbs


Rear Differential Fluid change

To check the rear differential fluid on a Lincoln MKX you must jack the rear end of the car up into the air and then remove the diff fill plug using a 3/8's ratchet or breaker bar. The fluid level should be up to the bottom of the fill plug hole. If the fluid level is low you can fill it using the hole until it comes out. If you want to change the fluid you can remove the rear diff cover by taking out the outside bolts and pulling off the cover from the diff. When this is done the fluid will pour out so be sure to have a container ready to catch it from hitting your floor. Once all the fluid is out you can reinstall the cover using some permatex or silicon sealant and tighten down the cover bolts to 20 ft-lbs. The fill plug can be tightened down to 10 ft-lbs.

Lincoln MKX Differential Cover Torque Specs : 20 ft-lbs

Lincoln MKX Rear Diff Fill Plug Torque Specs : 10 ft-lbs


Rear Shock Installation

To replace the rear shocks on a Lincoln MKX you will need to remove two sets of bolts/nuts. To do this you can jack up the vehicle and then proceed to remove the lower bolt from the bottom portion of the shock. Next we can move to the back of the car and remove the plastic shielding and gain access to the top nut and remove that from the car. With that the shock should drop down and be loose from the car. To install the new shock we can move the upper portion into the hole and hand tighten down the nut to keep the shock in place. Next the lower bolt can be put in place and tightened down to 166 ft-lbs. We can then go back to the upper nut and torque it down to 18 ft-lbs.

Lincoln MKX Rear Shock Upper Nut Torque Spec : 18 ft-lbs

Lincoln MKX Rear Shock Lower Bolt Torque Spec : 166 ft-lbs